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editor command

Syntax: hakutest editor [test-name]


  • hakutest e

The hakutest editor command is a CLI test editor. It can create new tests and edit existing tests.

Creating new test

To create new test, run command without any argument:

hakutest editor

Edit existing test

To edit existing test, run command with one argument - the filename of the test to be edited. The test should be placed in tests directory.

hakutest editor my-test


Test fields

Once you have selected one of the options, the editor will start prompting for values for each of the test fields:

  • Test title
  • Description of the test
  • Subject of the test
  • Author of the test
  • Target audience of the test
  • Educational institution
  • Test expiry time

For more information about test structure, it is recommended to read Tests guide.


The default values are shown in brackets as follows:

Add new task (y/n) [n]:

If you edit an existing test, its fields will be shown in brackets as well:

Title of the test [Trigonometric equations]:

Adding tasks

Once you have filled in the fields above, you will be able to add the test tasks:

Add new task (y/n) [n]:

If y is chosen, editor will prompt you to enter the task fields:

  • Task type
  • Task text
  • Answer options
  • Correct answer to the task

Task attachment

For each task, you can add an attachment:

- Add attachment (y/n) [n]:

If y is chosen, you will be able to enter the following fields of the attachment:

  • Name of attachment
  • Attachment type
  • Attachment source (URL or path to a file)

You can specify the path to a local file as the attachment source. In this case, the editor will convert it to a base64 string and add it as an attachment source.

Saving test files

When you finish editing a test, it will be automatically saved in the tests directory.