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Hakutest web pages, including the test page and test editor, require a running server.

You can start the Hakutest server using two methods:

  • By running hakutest-server executable (recommended for most users)
  • By running the hakutest server command in a terminal.

Using hakutest-server executable

The easiest way to start the Hakutest server is to run the hakutest-server executable. This is the recommended method for most users. When the executable is running, an icon is displayed in the system tray. It can be used to stop the server.

The server will be started on the port specified in the configuration (see Server configuration).

Using hakutest server command

Syntax: hakutest server

The hakutest server command is used to start the Hakutest server.


To use commands without specifying full path to the executable, add Hakutest installation directory to $PATH:

export PATH="$PATH:path/to/hakutest/installation"

If no arguments are provided, server will listen port specified in the configuration (see Server configuration).

You can override the default port with a flag -p|--port. The port must be an integer in the range 1024 to 65535.


  1. Run on the port specified in the configuration:

    hakutest server
  2. Run on port 8000:

    hakutest server -p 8000
    hakutest server --port 8000