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Web pages

Hakutest web pages internationalization, specified under the web field in the internationalization file.



Customizes test editor page static text.


  • header - Test editor page header.
  • label_title - Title input label.
  • label_description - Description input label.
  • label_subject - Subject input label.
  • label_author - Author input label.
  • label_target - Target audience input label.
  • label_institution - Educational institution input label.
  • label_expires_in - Expiration time input label.
  • label_add_task - Text of the button that adds new task.
  • label_task_header - Header of the task (input group).
  • label_task_type - Task type input label.
  • label_task_type_single - Single answer type label.
  • label_task_type_multiple - Multiple answers type label.
  • label_task_type_open - Open question type label.
  • label_task_type_file - File question type label.
  • label_task_text - Task text input label.
  • label_task_answer - Task correct answer input label.
  • label_task_options - Task answer options input label.
  • label_task_add_option - Text of the button that adds new answer option.
  • label_add_attachment - Add attachment checkbox label.
  • label_attachment_name - Attachment name input label.
  • label_attachment_type - Attachment type input label.
  • label_attachment_type_file - File type label.
  • label_attachment_type_image - Image type label.
  • label_attachment_type_video - Video type label.
  • label_attachment_type_audio - Audio type label.
  • label_attachment_src - Attachment source (i.e. URL) input label.
  • label_upload_test_input - Test file upload input text.
  • label_upload_test_button - Test upload button text.
  • label_new_test - Create new test button text.
  • label_download_test - Test download button text.

Visual examples:

Editor test upload page:

Editor upload page example

Test editor page:

Editor edit page example


Internationalization of the error page.


  • header - Header of the error page.
  • details - Error details header (summary).

Visual example:

Error page example


Internationalization of the expired test page.


  • header - Header of the expired test page.
  • message - Message with additional information.

Visual example:

Expired page example

Internationalization of the search page.


  • input_placeholder - Placeholder text of the search input field.
  • search_button_label - Text of the search button.

Visual example:

Search page example


Internationalization of the submission page.


  • header - Header of the test submission page.
  • message - Message with additional information.

Visual example:

Submission page example


Internationalization of the test page.


  • student_name_label - Label of student name input.
  • open_answer_label - Label of open question answer input.
  • submit_button_label - Text of test solution submission button.

Visual example:

Test page example


Example of the web user interface internationalization:

header: Test Editor
label_title: 'Title:'
label_description: 'Description:'
label_subject: 'Subject:'
label_author: 'Author:'
label_target: 'Target audience:'
label_institution: 'Institution:'
label_expires_in: 'Expires in:'
label_add_task: + Add task
label_task_header: Task
label_task_type: 'Type:'
label_task_type_single: Single answer
label_task_type_multiple: Multiple answers
label_task_type_open: Open question
label_task_type_file: 'Answer with file(s)'
label_task_text: 'Text:'
label_task_answer: 'Answer:'
label_task_options: Answer options
label_task_add_option: + Add option
label_add_attachment: Add attachment
label_attachment_name: 'Name:'
label_attachment_type: 'Type:'
label_attachment_type_file: File
label_attachment_type_image: Image
label_attachment_type_video: Video
label_attachment_type_audio: Audio
label_attachment_src: 'Source (URL):'
label_upload_test_input: Upload test file
label_upload_test_button: Upload and edit
label_new_test: Create new test
label_download_test: Download test
header: An error occurred!
details: Details
header: Test expired!
message: This test is no longer available
input_placeholder: Search for the test
search_button_label: Search
header: Submitted!
message: The test results are not displayed according to the system settings
student_name_label: 'Your name:'
open_answer_label: 'Answer:'
submit_button_label: Submit
# Other fields...